Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Blogfest, and more about me!

I am participating in a project called the Gentle Visibility Blogfest, a nine day adventure in writing and sharing blog posts!

If you are new to my blog, welcome!  I am Jennifer, a Norse-Fusion Pagan, who has been exploring and following a spiritual path for over two decades now (since I was in high school!).  I started this blog...wow six years ago!  It's had a few rocky years, but this will be my fourth year of writing a blog post every week (plus a few bonus posts here and there).

I write about whatever is on my mind, mostly spiritual stuff, some crafting, some hobbies, and some 'pulse of the moment' (things inspired by whatever is going on in the world).  My blog, has always been my space to write about anything and everything, so you never know what you will find!

I also write for my Patrons over at Patreon, where I write a monthly short story, share my blog, talk about other things in my life and share WIP excerpts from my other writing.  One of my big writing projects every year (for the past 10 years!) is NaNo (National Novel Writing Month), where you challenge yourself to write a 10,000 word novella..entirely in the month of November!  It is a crazy, hectic thing to do, but I love it, and it pushes me to grow in different ways every year.

I am passionate about my writing, for many reasons.  I have always been a writer, and creating stories and characters is something I was doing on the playground in gradeschool.  This has also translated into one of my main hobbies:  roleplaying games.  If you haven't heard of them, a roleplaying game is kind of like taking part in an ongoing story!  One person is the storyteller, they create the world and the many people who live in it, come up with plot and challenges for the players to overcome and rewards for when they do.  The other people each make a character, and take on that character's role in the story.  It's great fun, and I love both playing and running games.  Really, any excuse to make up characters (for stories or games) is great in my book!

But I also think that we each have our own unique perspective, our own place in the world.  And no matter how similar you might be to me, we each bring something fresh to the table.  By sharing our words, our experiences, our thoughts, our hopes, fears and dreams, we give a little bit of ourselves.  And we share things that someone else might not be able to get anywhere else...and how cool is that!

I learn so much, not only by what other people share with me, but also by organizing my thoughts to share with other people.  If I am in need of some clarity in my life, I write about it!  By trying to figure out how to say something so someone else will understand it, I often find that things make more sense in my own head as well.

So, come and join me on this Blogfest journey.  Who knows where it will lead, but I am sure it will be an adventure along the way!


  1. Hi, Kylara!

    Nice to meet you, Kylara. This is going to be fun -- I'm looking forward to reading your posts over the next few days. :)

    1. I'm looking forward to reading (or listening!) to everyone's posts too!

  2. YAY! So fun getting to know you, and I am so happy you are participating with us in the #GentleVisibilityBlogfest! Love, Astra

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love NaNo! "Won" a few years, myself. The past few attempts? Not so much. lol

    Dropping by from the blogfest. So nice to meet you!
