Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Working from a distance

With so many people staying Safe at Home, the need for distance work is at it's highest.  However, even under normal circumstances, we may feel called to do work for or with people who aren't near to us.  Being able to work from a distance may take a little more focus and sometimes preparation, but it is a highly useful skill to practice.

One of the great benefits of energy work of all kinds (and this of course includes spellwork) is that distance (and even time) isn't really a factor.  It doesn't take longer for my spell to manifest whether I am casting on myself or someone on the opposite side of the globe.  It doesn't matter how many walls, mountains or oceans are between us.  My focus and intention are the key factor, not the circumstances of the physical world.

Now, when it comes to distance work, there are basically two types:  working on someone/something or working with others.  Chances are, many of us have done distance work on a target that isn't within touching distance before.  Working with people who are far away has it's own unique challenges, but it can definitely be done!

Let's talk about working with people at a distance first.  Most of the struggles here come down to communication.  As I mentioned earlier, focus is highly important, so you want to make sure everyone is focused on the same thing.  Now, this doesn't mean that everyone has to do exactly the same actions at the same time.  You can create very powerful workings where everyone is doing things in their own way, as long as the intention is clear and everyone is working towards the same goal.

This is the easiest way to do distance work with others.  You define the goal of your working, and everyone can do their work individually.  It can be helpful to give an example or framework that people can follow, if they aren't that familiar with creating their own rituals and spells.

It is also quite common to have a few shared correspondences, things that everyone will incorporate into their working.  This makes it easier to connect together, and access that synergy that is created when multiple people work together (the sum is greater than the parts!).  Often time is one of these things, whether it is a universal time (aka everyone will do their spell at 12 UTC) or local time (everyone will do their spell as the sun sets, wherever they are).  Another great way to have this shared connection is to have one item that everyone will use (like a key or a forked stick) or to have a shared statement (it might be the main spoken part of everyone's spell, having everyone say the same words can be very powerful).

This isn't to say that you can't work collectively while each doing your own thing, it's just typically harder to find that connection without those shared elements.  One thing you can do to help create that sense of community is to have everyone share a bit (on social media or through a shared group text or email) about what they plan on doing and when, and then again sharing what they did and their experiences after. 

Time is a funny thing, and you can weave together events that happen at different times through reflection.  By having that communication, the timing becomes less important, and it's like weaving a ribbon between everyone's individual works to create a huge tapestry.

Now, if you aren't working with others but are wanting to work on a target that is farther away, the main thing you need to do is create that connection between what you are doing and your target.  While many people are already familiar with doing this for some things, they may struggle to make those connections for other workings.

When you think about work like healing or doing a reading for someone, there is often an interplay of energy between the two people involved.  You are sensing and reacting to their energy and that helps you do the work you are doing.  This can be harder for people to do, if they don't have the other person right there with them.

Many people are discovering new ways to connect with others from further away right now.  We are reaching out through video chats and online, and even though many people prefer to keep technology out of their practiced, these can be great tools for establishing that connection with the person you are working on.  If you find the technology too distracting, you can always reach out and connect before you start your actual work (kind of like taking a minute to chat with the person before you start, if you were in person) and then again afterwards.

But other people may find that being on video with the other person really helps them keep that connection going.  Just like working with them in person, you can ask questions or direct them to do things and then get their feedback on what they are experiencing.  Technology doesn't have to be excluded from our practice, and though it may feel awkward at first, you may also find that things feel smoother and more natural the more you do them.

If, however, this idea really bothers you, there are still more ways to create that connection with your subject.  Having a photograph is a classic way of focusing your intention, and if you don't have a photograph you can write their name on a piece of paper and use that.  You can also use an object that belonged to them (things like a lock of hair are very traditional here), or even an object that reminds you of them (if your friend is obsessed with rubber ducks, for example, you might use a rubber duck to represent them). 

The thing about doing this is the more personal the object you use, the easier it is to connect with a subject.  Remember, our emotions create very strong energetic resonance, and the more resonance you have, the easier it is to do what you want to do. 

At the end of the day, you can use sheer force of will and direct focus (just thinking about the subject you are working on) to have a successful spell, but using these other tools will make the whole process that much easier.  Just because we are separated from each other, doesn't mean we can't work on and with one another! 

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