Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Creating for your soul

One of the things I associate with Ostara is crafting or creating.  And I think this is something that we, as humans, have an innate need to do.  It is also something that we are often told is frivolous or not important.  Or worse, that you should only create things that are 'good' (and by good most people mean 'will bring you profit and fame').  

First, I think we need to talk a bit about what creating means.  Originally, I had the focus on crafting, but it's so much more than that, just like creating is so much more than just art.  Creating can be those things, because of course crafting and doing art is a form of creation, but so is sanding wood or drawing up a design (which you might not make...the act of design is your creation!) or cooking dinner.  


Creating is simply turning an idea into something tangible, making it something that can be shared in some way.  It speaks to the part of us that needs to leave some kind of mark in the world, to feel like we were here and we made a difference.  Sometimes it doesn't matter if any one knows about what you have created, or that you created it, it's the making of the thing that is important.

Along the same lines, creation isn't necessarily about making something useful or even 'good'.  It can be fun to just play with creation, tossing paint on a page or stacking rocks until they tumble and fall.  It can be building a sandcastle and watching the ocean wash it away or drawing little doodles on a card you are giving to a friend.  

I think modern life has pulled us away from a lot of the crafting we used to do.  Many people don't cook regularly or have creative hobbies (maybe they were discouraged from pursuing them as an adult or maybe they simply don't feel like they have time), and for the most part we don't make our own clothes or household products...a lot of things that our ancestors would have crafted themselves (or they might have crafted one thing very well and then traded that for other things crafted by other people).

Creating like this lets us play with imagination.  There is something truly magical about having an idea in your head and turning it into something.  It's especially fun when you can share what you have created with other people and hearing that positive feedback.  Honestly, it's one reason why I always try to react or comment when someone shares something they have made online....especially if it's maybe not perfect or if they are feeling subconscious about sharing it.  

For me, creating something is always emotional.  In that I tap into my feelings and part of my intention is for people to feel something when they see/experience my creation.  This is true for my writing, but also for things I make as gifts (where at the very least I want people who receive them to feel loved).  I always think of the way little children present their art to people.  "Here is this thing, I made it and therefore it's special, but I want you to have it because I think you are special too!"

Making something always makes me feel more energized.  It's sort of addicting...when I make something, I often want to make more stuff.  And when I haven't made anything in a while, I definitely feel more unenthusiastic...about everything.  My mood is very much dependent on creating stuff, and I think more people are like that than might be aware of it.

And especially if you feel like you don't have time to create stuff, I challenge you to find little ways to create.  Doodle in your planner, fold that receipt into a bird, make up a silly song and sign it to your pet (or your empty house!), write a poem (make it a haiku if you want to keep it short!), but there is always something you can do to add a bit of creation into your life.  And I bet that you will feel better after you create something, especially if you can let go of any expectations about what you are creating.

And that's the real beauty of creation, in my book at least...that it's not about the end result, it's about the process.  And the process of creating is often equal parts wonder and discovery, trial and error, and adjusting when things don't work out the way you initially envisioned.  And all of these things are tools we can apply to other parts of our life!

If you aren't sure how to get started, there are a million resources online!  Think about something that you maybe have always wanted to try or that you think looks fun.  Then see if you can find a tutorial online...or if you prefer a social route, see if you can take a class on it.  Whether you are more comfortable learning with a group or on your own, there are so many ways to start new projects, and so many ways to get help when we get stuck in our creations.

And maybe you can try something new (or pick up an old favorite), as part of your Ostara celebrations, or simply as a way to shake up that stagnant energy after the slowness of winter.  Just remember, there is no wrong way to create, and there is no benchmark for 'good''s all about enjoying the process and giving a form to your own imagination!

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