Wednesday, July 12, 2023

When to fight back


We do not live in a world that embraces differences, no matter how much some of us would prefer it.  In fact, we live in a world where differences and being 'outside the norm' (which often translates to "not what the people in power/with money believe") can lead to people being treated as 'less than' (whether that means simply mocked verbally or something more sinister where life and liberties are threatened or taken away).  


As Pagans, we are often faced with the decision of how to respond these situations...either on our own behalf or on the behalf of others (because it has been my experience that many Pagans want everyone to flourish, and will defend anyone who is being wrongfully attacked).  And many Pagans have very strong ideas about when and for what magic (or petitioning our Gods) should be invoked.  Some believe that magic shouldn't be used to promote conflict, or should never be used to impact other people without their permission, or simply that it shouldn't be politicized.


However, refusing to take a stand is a passive way of agreeing with whatever the dominant voice is (yes, this is a highly controversial stand, but I absolutely believe that if things are happening that cause any person or group to be treated in a particular way, and I don't do anything to refute it...I am helping to create an environment where such actions are allowed to take place.  By not even voicing my disagreement, by not standing up for what I feel is wrong, I am complacent in the actions, even though I am not directly taking part.


Now, personally, I have a lot of feels about this topic.  I think we should all stand up for...and fight for...people who are struggling to fight for themselves.  This means any group that is outnumbered, misunderstood, or targeted out of spite.  I also believe that using magic (and that includes petitioning my deities) for things I would take physical action towards is fine (in my head, magic isn't it's own moral category...if I would stand for something, I can do it with all the tools at my disposal and spiritual stuff counts too).

I know that everyone has their own limits, so there are lots of things you can do and still honor your own boundaries in this matter.  If you feel like you shouldn't force your views on other people (regardless of how misguided you feel the other side is), there are things you can do that still protect those who are vulnerable.

I think it's important to draw a line between "not wanting to restrict other people's agency" and "not allowing other people to force their beliefs on others".  There is a very big difference between trying to force someone to agree with your point of view and stopping them from outright harassing others. 

Another wonderful thing to do is to simply help the people who are being mistreated.  This might mean working to provide safe spaces where people can feel free from judgement or harm.  It might mean working to make sure that more people have access to health care, mental health care, food, shelter, clothes.  

It might mean becoming more vocal, using your voice (and sometimes the privilege of not being in the minority group that is being targeted) to spread information and empathy.  This could include writing to policy makers, taking to social media, or helping marginalized people share THEIR voices (remember, if you aren't part of the victimized group, your goal should be to help them not talk over them).

And it could mean working with specific deities who would step up to this cause.  Making offerings and asking for aid can be done on your own, or you could share what you are doing (and invite others to join in).  This can become a really powerful community effort, and can grow into an amazing vehicle for change.

Things like spell jars or vision boards can also be great ways to use magic to address a situation.  Small works of art, like painted rocks or stickers, or even posters, can be put out into the world (and can be done anonymously if you don't want to put a target on yourself).  

One thing I think it is important to be mindful of is to not make attacks personal.  This is something we have seen SO much in politics, and it's so ridiculous...instead of fighting back against the idea that a person is spreading, they make attacks on their personal character.  Not only does this open you up to people using the same tactics on you, it also side steps the actual issue.  If your focus is on attacking the people (and their personal lives) who are causing the problem, you aren't actually addressing the problem.  If you succeed and 'win' against the figurehead, the actual issue still exists and your actions haven't done anything to make it better.

Instead, focus your energy (both metaphysical and physical hehe) on the actual issue.  This is the only way that true progress happens, by opening people's eyes to the harmful (and almost always false) information that is accepted as 'true' and teaching people to respect each other, regardless of their personal disagreements.  (and it is hard to get people to respect you when you are slinging personal barbs at them).

As Pagans, I think we understand very well what it is like to be persecuted for things that we aren't even doing.  We have the ability to stand up for others in this world, and I absolutely believe that if you have that ability then you should be using it...because to idly sit by while others are harmed and to do one of the reasons why our world has become so fractured and so confrontational.  If we only stand up for ourselves, then how can we expect anyone else to help us when we need it?

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